

B.C. is a world leader in sustainable forest management with leading-edge environmental practices. Our professional team of foresters, resource engineers and biologists have been working in forest development, forest management, and silviculture for more than a decade. Through superior client care, we have become a regional expert trusted by forest sector clients to deliver comprehensive and integrated solutions that result in scientifically sound project outcomes that meet today’s current challenges, preserve ecosystems, and unlock new opportunities.

Services include:

  • Forestry planning, development and silviculture
  • Permitting and regulatory requirements
  • Forest health assessments
  • Timber permitting, sales, development & product marketing
Cranbrook Forestry & backcountry road construction.

Thanks to the diverse expertise of our 55+ in-house staff of scientists, engineers, technicians, and foresters, as well as our extensive professional network and local knowledge, VAST has emerged as a first-choice advisor, depended on to manage complex projects across multiple industries.